Could You Give Me a Single Quantifiable Definition of Romantic Love ?

Sudipto Adhicary
The Coffeelicious
Published in
3 min readSep 8, 2016


Love is a universal entity. Existing in different forms and in varied manners. Numerous stories have been written about love. An infinite more will be written. Quotes, poems, plays, ballads, motion pictures, books, listicles, videos, parodies, and whatever creative element you can think of will have their own rendition of love. It will never be out of production. Never.

And that is the reason why we will always be shown the definition of love. We will always be provided with answers related to love. We will be always be served with advice about love. And we will always be asked to accept love as is defined. Verbatim.

But what if there is someone who doesn’t have the capacity to understand this definition of love. Or any for that matter. Will he/she be deemed as not fit? As insensitive. As inconsequential. As non-existent. As not a human being.

I have been educated in a catholic convent school. My friends have been Enid Blyton, Ruskin Bond, Shakespeare, Byron, Milton, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and the likes. My imagination has been flared by the sparks of these giants. My definition of love has been structured around the base of Chekov and Shakespeare. And, by the gods, I have felt as much as I could through their books. And more importantly, I have felt and imbibed these definitions of love as much as the world allowed me to.

But then, why do I not find a singular definition of romantic love to take in as a Gospel truth?

To give you a clearer perspective, I have been on both sides of the river. I have been both Yegor and Pelagia. Yet, after the scars taken and the wounds inflicted, I still have no concrete quantifiable definition of love. My profession asks me to write and create stories for brands and others. Yet, if you ask me to define love, I would have to read some texts, go back to some old memories, shake some leaves, and then would I be able to produce something. But I would never be able to resonate with it. Ever.

I can resonate with friendship. And the love that it entails. I can resonate with the love of my parents. I can resonate with the love for animals. I can resonate with the love for my country and the world as a whole. But when it comes to love as a romance, I don’t skip a beat. An imaginative and omnipresent question looms in front of my eyes. Am I heartless? Am I cold and insensitive? Am I not capable of feeling love the way it has been defined ? Have I failed Chekov and Wordsworth ?

Or am I looking in the wrong direction? But how it could be, especially when my mentors have been such greats. Has the idea lost its exclusivity?
They say love gets a new definition with each human. So, should I go on and make a new road and light it the way I want. Would that be the definition of love I seek? If yes, then is there not a chance that my questions may change. Would the old definition suffice then? Or a new one has to take its place? If yes, then would there ever be a single quantifiable definition of love that I can feel ?

Would I ever be able to say that I have truly loved someone ?



Sudipto Adhicary
The Coffeelicious

I have the brains to write, the heart to care, the soul to fall in love, and the mind to think! Marketing Communication Specialist by profession.